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Mahogany Obsidian is a type of Obsidian with Hematite or Magnetite inclusions within, giving it its red, brownish color.

Meaning & Energy

Mahogany Obsidian activates our lower 3 chakras and stimulates growth, sexuality, strength, creativity, passion, and protection. This powerful grounding stone works to bring thoughts and ideas into action for the sole purpose of personal growth. This crystal works to release us from our own inner limitations that restrict development of our life path. Mahogany Obsidian works to eliminate that hesitation within that is constantly weighing judgement on decisions that greatly affect your life purpose. When finally being able to push past such restriction, one will soon learn that anything is possible if your willing to take the chance.

Mookaite, also known as Mookaite Jasper, is a silicified porcellanite mineral that can also be fossiliferous (containing fossils within). Its only known locality is in an area known as the Windalia Radiolarite in Western Australia, which is said to have formed during the Cretaceous Period (145-66 million years ago). This area is full of tiny nanoplankton fossils such as Radiolaria and Foraminifera, both of which played a huge role in the creation process of Mookaite. 

Meaning & Energy

Mookaite has energies that enrich one’s trust and love for Mother Earth and all of her beauty. One will find themselves more aware of nature and life around them, as well as developing a connection with the animals we see each day, both wild and domestic. Mookaite grounds your mind, heart, and soul down to a planetary level and helps one truly live in the moment. To do this, one must relinquish any and all ideas that do not deal with the “right now”. These future emotions that we’re subconsciously manifesting take their toll on our bodies day in and day out. Fear, anxiety, loneliness, and depression are all common symptoms of failing to live in the present moment. Mookaite’s bold and bright natural colors are a reminder that beauty is all around you, including within. Use the energies and the lessons this stone offers (through deep meditation), and one will soon learn how to “stop and smell the roses”. This mentality will not only save your emotional body, but also give you the chance to grow each day, no matter the circumstances.

Mahogang Obsidian Stone & Mookaite Mala & Bracelet

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